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Bolt Motion  Control 


BoltX Motion Control


2 Mole 20k

1 5K breezy Light

(2) Arri Baby 5k

1 Arri 10K

4 Disisti 10K

2 Disisti 5K

Complete16113210 Arri T2 Fresnel 2

Barndoor 2

Scrim Set-5 wire 2

Scrim Bag 2 60130500 CYX - 2k SE

650w Fresnel (Arri ) 2

Barndoor 2 pScrim Set-5 wire 2 Scrim Bag 2 FRK - 650w SE (for Tweenie II) 2

1k Zip Baby Soft 2

26040200 Eggcrate 2

60134700 FCM - 1k DE 2

18215100 750w Source 4 Leko

26013700 Pattern Holder (Source 4) 2

28013600 Iris (Source 4) 2

28012300 Gel Frame 2

28011300 750 Stand Adapter 2

28024700 Pipe Clamp Adaptor 2

60141100 HPL - 750w SE 2

28024900 Safety Chain w/ Clip 2

28013200 36 Degree Tube (Source 4) 2

Power & Distribution

40011200 600a Distro Box - Pass Through 1

40013100 300a Distro Box - Dead End w/tails 1

40031400 2/0 Feeder Cable 50' 10

40052200 #2 3-Wire Banded 50' 4

#2 2-Wire Banded 50' 4

Camlok Siamese #2 (5 Piece Set) 1

Camlok Siamese #2 (Red) 1

Camlok Siamese #2 (Blue) 1

Camlok Siamese #2 (Black) 1

Camlok Siamese #2 (Green) 1

Camlok Siamese #2 (White) 1

Camlok Suicide T 5

Camlok T 10

100A Lunchbox 2

100a Male - (2) 60a Female 2

12/3 Stinger Extension 50' 12

12/3 Stinger Extension 25' 12

Stinger to 4-Way Box 25' 4

60a Gang Box 6-Way 1

100a Bates Extention 50' 5

100a Bates Extention 25' 4

60a Bates Extention 50' 4

60a Bates Extention 25' 4

Dolly Grip Equipment

Crank-O-Vator 2

Beefy Baby Stand, Rocky Mtn 3-Riser 6

Hi Boy w/ Wheels 2

Low Boy w/ Wheels 2

Preemie Stand - Aluminum 2

SuperCrank 2

Reflector Combi Stand - Steel 2-Riser 4

2K Rolling Stand - Matthews 2

2K Low Mole Roller Stand 2

40" C-Stand 14

Gobo Head 14

40" Gobo Arm 14

40" C-Stand w/Plus Base 2

Gobo Head 2

40" Gobo Arm 2

20" C-Stand 4

Gobo Head 4

20" Gobo Arm 4

Misc Grip Equip

Ladder 8' Step 1

C-Clamp 6" 4

Mafer Clamp w/ 750 Stud 8

Ladder 12' Step 2

Big Ben Clamp - 2K Stud 2

C-Clamp w/ 750 Stud - 6" 8

Duckbill Clamp 3

Spring Clamp - #3 (Large) 6

Spring Clamp - #2 (Medium) 6

Spring Clamp - #1 (Small) 6

Combi-Head w/ 2K Stud 4

Pigeon - 2k 2

Pigeon - 3" Stud - 750 2

Apple Box - FULL 6

Apple Box - HALF 6

Apple Box - QUARTER 4


Shims - Crate 1

Furniture Blanket 2

Rubber Mat - Black 5

Sandbag 30

50315200 Cable Crossing 3

50410350 4' x 4' - Black Solid (Floppy) 4

50410800 4' x 4' - Empty Frame 4

50430100 2' x 3' - Black Solid 2

50430500 2' x 3' - Double Net (Black) 1

50431200 2' x 3' - Single Net (Black) 1

50431400 2' x 3' - Silk 1

50440300 18" x 48" - Black Solid 2

50450200 18" x 24" - Black Solid 2

50450500 18" x 24" - Double Net (Black) 1

50451500 18" x 24" - Single Net (Black) 1

50451200 18" x 24" - Silk 1

50520800 12' x 12' - Frame: Square 1

50568100 Frame Ear 2

50568200 Frame Corner 4

50523400 12' x 12' - Ultra Bounce 1

50520100 12' x 12' - Black Solid 1

50540100 8' x 8 ' - Black Solid 2

50545000 8' x 8 ' - Ultra Bounce 1

50540800 8' x 8 ' - Frame: Square 1

50568100 Frame Ear 2

50568200 Frame Corner 4

50541200 8' x 8 ' - Gridcloth 1

50541300 8' x 8 ' - Lite Grid 1

50543000 8' x 8 ' - Muslin (Bleached) 1

50543800 8' x 8 ' - Silk 1

50583700 Speed Rail 12' (1 1/4") 2

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